What you need to know about Abortion.

Hey guys! I came across this article and decided that it would make for a good read here on BWG. I hope you are having a wonderful week. Enjoy!

Why Christians oppose it! … and what to do if you have had an abortion!
Abortion is not a game. And it is not a simple choice between deciding whether to have an abortion or not. Every abortion kills an innocent baby.
What is an abortion? In simple language, if you are female and pregnant, and you deliberately terminate your pregnancy before your baby can survive independently, you have caused an abortion.
If the baby dies accidentally, for example if the mother falls and the unborn baby dies accidentally, it is generally called a “miscarriage,” not an abortion.

What Christians oppose
Christians oppose the deliberate killing of the unborn baby when the mother’s life is not in danger. Some pregnant women or girls have their unborn babies killed because they don’t want the responsibility of looking after their child. Or they think that if the child lives they will have to give up their career. Or they think it will be too expensive. Or too time-consuming. Or too embarrassing. Or too much trouble.
So instead of allowing the baby to live and having it adopted out through a welfare agency, they have an abortion, which kills their child.
Killing the most defenseless humans.
From a Christian view, deliberate abortion is murder. That is why Christians are against it, even though governments in some parts of the world have legalized it. It is killing the most defenseless living beings by taking away their most basic human right: the right to life.
Is the unborn baby human yet?
Some people say an abortion is all right because you are not killing a living baby. They say the baby is not human until birth or until it is a certain age, and you are only removing unwanted tissue when you have an abortion. This is peer pressure at its worst.
Recent technology and microphotography have shown that the baby is a growing, living human right from the earliest stage. From the moment of conception you have all your genes and chromosomes, and all the “information” you need to direct your development. Sensible and responsible mothers avoid smoking, alcohol, drugs, and any other substances that may harm their baby.
Studies show a strong link between abortion and depression. A New Zealand study found that women who had abortions had more psychological problems and were three times more depressed than women who gave birth.
Pro-choice means anti-life.
Numerous groups say they are “pro-choice”, implying that they respect the mother’s right to choose whether she has an abortion or gives birth to her baby. But this was shown not to be the case when Focus on the Family announced it would run a pro-life ad at the Super Bowl game between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts in February 2010.
When this ad was announced, pro-choice groups tried to have it banned. If they respected the mother’s right to choose, they wouldn’t be angry about a mother choosing to give birth to her baby and rejecting abortion. They are not pro-choice,they are pro-death. They want a dead baby, not a mother showing enormous courage going ahead with a pregnancy.

Isaac’s story
Isaac’s birth took place in England on a cold Christmas Day. He was sick, born premature, and everyone around him thought he was going to die. His father had died two months earlier, and his mother was having a hard time running the farm and looking after her new baby. And a war was raging around them.
Some people may think it would have been easier for Isaac’s mother if she had aborted Isaac. But his mother wouldn’t have considered it. And just as well for the world. Isaac grew up to be a scientific genius.
Isaac was the one who discovered the law of gravitation. He revolutionized mathematics by developing calculus. He improved the telescope. He became famous for his work in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. Isaac was the first person to receive a knighthood for scientific achievement. When he died in 1727 at the age of 84 the government honored him by burying him in London’s famous Westminster Abbey.
Yes, it might have been easier for his mother to abort the child who became Sir Isaac Newton, but the world would never have known the greatest scientist who ever lived. How many geniuses has the world lost through abortion? We will never know.

What does the Bible say?
In the chapter in Exodus following the Ten Commandments that God gave to Israel, we read of various rights and punishments that God provided for wrongdoing. Exodus 21:22–25 provide for severe punishment to those who cause abortions. If someone caused serious injury to a pregnant woman and she lost her baby, God said the punishment was to be:
•life for life
•eye for eye
•tooth for tooth
•hand for hand
•foot for foot
•burning for burning
•wound for wound
•stripe for stripe.
•Unborn babies are living humans

The Bible clearly identifies the unborn baby as a living, human being. When the Virgin Mary was pregnant with Jesus she visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was herself six months pregnant with John the Baptist. The Bible says that when Mary arrived with the unborn Jesus inside her, John “leaped in her womb for joy” (Luke 1:41, 44). So John the Baptist was clearly a living, understanding person even before his birth.
Psalm 139 again makes clear that the fetus (unborn baby) is a human whom God loves. And God told the prophet Jeremiah, “before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). God had plans for Jeremiah even while he was in his mother’s womb.
What if I have already had an abortion?
Even though surveys show that teens who go to church get into less trouble, it is sad to say that even some Christian women and teens have deliberately had their babies aborted. Other people may have talked some of them into it. Or they might have decided on this themselves because they didn’t think they could look after the baby. Or maybe they didn’t realize at the time that they were killing their babies.
The good news is that God can forgive an abortion like He can forgive any other sin, if you are willing to confess it to Him and ask Him for forgiveness. Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes deliberate mistakes, whether it is stealing, murder, greed, or whatever. The only way to get God’s forgiveness is to confess your mistake to God in prayer. Tell Him you are sorry, ask His forgiveness, and ask Him to help you never to commit this sin again. His refreshing love will allow you to be born again. God will forgive you if you take the first step.

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なぜクリスチャンはそれに反対します! ...そしてあなたは中絶があった場合に何をすべきかを!
赤ちゃんが誤って死亡した場合 - たとえば、母親が低下し、胎児が誤って死亡した場合 - それは、一般に「流産、「ない中絶と呼ばれています。
詩篇139は、再び胎児(胎児)は神が愛し、人間であることを明確にしています。私はあなたを知っていたお腹の中であなたを形成する前に、神は預言者エレミヤを、 "言いました。あなたが子宮から出camest前に、私はあなたを聖別し、私はあなたにの民の預言者」(エレミヤ1:5)を定められました。神は彼が彼の母親の胎内にいた間もエレミヤの計画を持っていました。


Connect with Me on Instagram: @blogwithgrace
Follow Me on Twitter: @iBlogWithGrace 
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  1. abortion is a very sensitive subject to those who have done it or considering it. I wouldn't call it a murder it is unfair on those who decided to go through this and have to maybe evn regret later on. We are all humans and sinners after all!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this 'shared' post Victoria. Indeed, abortion is a highly controversial topic. Have a nice day. Thank you for visiting.

  2. Wow!!! This was a very Deep read oh Bubba.. Okay you iBlogwithgrace.. You need a nicky.. effective immediately... Ehhmm.. **Scratches head.. Ehmmm.. ** Thinking deep.. Ehhmm... Eureka!! How about BLICE.. :) from BL-w-I-thgrac-E Or Bliss... Aight i think i like Bliss... So Bliss it is for me..

    You know yeah Bubba.. abortion is a very delicate thing.. I mean its crazy the decisions that we and people we know have made while growing up.. But like i read somewhere, the good thing about life is that every where and any point can be a new beginning, and the ever loving Omniscient GOD, our almighty creator, lord and savior is very willing to forgive us, if we only choose to leave those crazy lifestyles behind.. That said.. I think Abortion is wrong when all things are Equal.. I mean its wrong to Abort a child simply cause you feel too lazy, or too embarrassed, or too scared, or simply cause the condom broke or the lady miscalculated.. But Bubba to this effect yeah, i ask a very sincere kweshion.. What happens when the case is dicey.. I was reading www.everydaytibs.blogspot.com 's past Wednesday post a while ago, about a 10 Year old Paraguayan geh that was raped by her Step dad.. In such a case Bliss, what do you advice?! Does she keep the child cause of religion and endure the pain, stigma and regret for life.. Does she keep the child and risk Death at Child birth due to her yet to develop uterus (May i re-iterate that the Geh is 10 years old oh!).. Hell no! (GOD forgive me)..

    Baby mi, i for one believe that Abortion should not be legalized, but when the condition is one of Rape, Incest or just Human wickedness as Ernie indicated on her post.. Then i am go go green on Abortion.. My thoughts are a bit confused, but what can i do?! i am but 23 years 5 months and 2 days old.. :( Cheers Bubba.. Thanks for sharing, as this was a very ghen ghen and insightful read.

    P.S: Please read this post Bliss: everydaytibs.blogspot.com/2015/05/midweek-debate-abortion-should-be-legal.html?showComment=1431667187248#c8193716275933775959 She is really DoroMegaSmart.. Reallyyyy Smart.. and the crowd goes.. Yeeeaaahh mehn!

    1. My dear Duru, Yohanan is the pseudonym I have chosen for this blog. So, No need for a nickname ;)

      Abortion is a dicey issue, true. On the issue of the pregnant child in question, Abeg, if you ask me...na who I go ask?
      I have my reservations about Abortion.


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