The Gentlemans Best kept Secret: TAFT Socks

  Hey guys! Get in here, I am about to let you in on a secret.  
So Yesterday I came across these socks again as I was prowling through Instagram. I know..most of you don't bother wearing them because they stick out their ugg cuffs from your fancy shoes or leave you dizzy by cutting off your blood supply or worse still leave you with swollen feet when you when you wear them to travel for long. Anyway, there is an answer as all our worries have been settled. A line of socks have been created by Taft. It is a win-win situation for you because they save you from stinky feet, sweaty feet, they do not stick out or slip.  Plus, they come in different sizes too. So, you need not be afraid for your size 48 feet! Trust me guys, they are extra comfy! Thus, You get the sock less look without sacrificing your comfort.

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        Okay, fine I confess, I tried them on while traveling a while ago. My verdict? They are awesome for traveling. You know how you want to keep the gentleman in you alive while traveling by wearing socks? (if you wear shoes that is, not pams or sandals which are also classy depending on how you groom yourself. Remember it's all about the packaging). Anyway, they are not tight as to cut off blood supply, in fact, at a point you don't even remember that you have anything on your feet except your shoes. I'm telling you, they are that comfortable! You should try them, order yours today. Or you can check your local shops to see if they have them in stock. One trial is all I ask of you. Your feet will thank you for it.
     I have left the links to their sites below so check them out and order the patterns that appeal to you the most. I will get in touch with them to see that all my readers get a special discount and I will also be scouting the internet to get you cheapos the best coupon codes and sales links. If you have some, do share in the comment section below. PS, you can wear them with ANY type of shoes including sneaks.
Sending lots of love and grace your way. Happy ordering! See you soon then.

    I hope you enjoyed this article. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or something you will like to add to the post? Please, feel free to drop your suggestions below. Also, will you like me to a do a little review on socks and why they are necessary? Do have a great day.

Update: Our friends at Taft have given you my dear reader a discount code. Whenever you make an order using the discount code "blogwithgrace" you will receive a 15% discount. Yaay!!! Thank you Taft.

Definition of Terms
Pams : A Nigerian slang for a type of flat sandal or slippers.
Ugg: Ugly

Photo Credit: Taft and zaramen.

Instagram: @taft_
Twitter: @Taft_Clothing


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